Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Mid-Week Blah Blahs

So after 7 years and 7 investigations costing the taxpayers a little over 7 million dollars the Republicans have released an 800 page report that proves Hillary Clinton was indeed the Secretary of State.

Someone has provided proof that I am surrounded by bonehead Trump supporters.

I just saw a riveting clip from the Legend of Tarzan movie where Samuel Jackson asked Tarzan, “What’s in your wallet?”

And here is my tip of the day.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

Monday, June 27, 2016

The Walking Dumb

If you are like me and wondering who in their right mind is still supporting Donald (Hair-Brained) Trump, here is the perfect example.  Kevin ( Really Stupid And Proud Of It) Jackson, an avid Trump supporter had spewed some really dumb stuff in a focus group last week.  Little Kev thinks we should change the statue of liberty.  I think this is what he had in mind.

Kooky Kevin also thinks we need to quit sending all that money in foreign aid.  What dipshit Kevin doesn’t seem to realize is that foreign aid is less than 1% of the federal budget and most of that money goes to Israel.

And of course KKK Kev not only wants to build a wall between the US and Mexico, but between us and Canada   He says we have this huge immigration problem. Coincidentally that’s the same thing Sitting Bull said. 

Stay tuned for future adventures.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Brain Waves For A Friday

Congressmoron Louie (I Really Am As Dumb As I Look) Gohmert made appearance on the floor of the House this week during the sit-in.  Seems Looney Louie went around screaming "radical Islam" over and over. I guess he had gotten his weekly paycheck from the NRA (National Rabid Assholes) and was doing his duty..

As I have said a number of times in this piece of fluff I call Sleeps til Noon, I have always had friends who were Republicans and we actually had only a few differences. That is still true for most of them today, but for the most part, the Republican Party and their right-wing TeaNut assholes who have taken over their little party have moved so far to the right where they are completely wrong that I can’t find any thing to agree with them.  I have been wanting to write about this for a while, but haven’t been able to express myself without ranting and screaming and then I came across this great writer by the name of Mindy Fischer who says it all so eloquently.  Please check it out.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Another Hump Day, More Humps

I just saw where the Trump campaign spent $208,000.00 dollars on hats.  I guess this goes along with Trump’s motto “Make America Wear Hats Again.”

Number one this week in the wrong slogan contest is this bonehead who is running for a Congressional seat in Tennessee. Ole Rick (If You’re White You’re Alright) Tyler who insists that he is not a racist, put up this billboard.

 Racist Rick says he just wants to take America back to “when there was no violent crimes and mass immigration.”  Gee since America occurred because of mass immigration, I’m guessing he would take us back to the time of dinosaurs.

Orlando mass shooter Omar (I’m Gay, But I'm Not Happy) Mateen’s gay lover has come forward to say that Omar shot all those people out of revenge.  I can’t wait to see how the Republicans and bonehead’s at Faux New spin this one now that their Islamic terrorist pitch is out the window.

There were three fine asshole extremist Christian preachers around the country who preached hate-filled sermons after the mass shootings in Orlando. One in Phoenix, one Fort Worth and one in Sacramento.  Thankfully the one in Sacramento has already lost his church because the building owner came in the day after his hate spewing and kicked him out.  What I would like to know is, did any of the people sitting out there in those congregations get up and walk out of the church, because if they didn’t, they are as complicit as the jerk-water preacher. 

And here are the heroes on this Hump Day too.  

 John Lewis and the 40 courageous Democrats having a sit-in on the floor of Congress.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

Monday, June 20, 2016

A Couple Of Monday Quickies

It’s obvious that the only exercise Republicans get is jumping to conclusions.  The bonehead asshole shooter in Orlando last week called 911 and said he pledged allegiance to ISIS, so all of the Republicans and Faux New boneheads immediately said the shooter was a Islamic terrorist.  That’s about as stupid as saying someone is a member of the Dallas Cowboys because they bought a ticket to one of their games.
They haven’t drug out the mental illness talking point yet, but I’m sure they will get around to it.

And proving that extremist Christian fanatics are cut from the same cloth as Islamic extremist, Pastor Donnie (DipShit) Romero of Fort Worth said, “it was a shame that the gunman Omar Mateen didn’t kill more people.” He went on to say that the 50 people killed were perverts and pedophiles.  Yes sir, that’s spreading that good Christian love around. Evidently little Donnie missed the parts in the Bible quoting Jesus.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

Friday, June 17, 2016

New Day, Same Ole Stuff

The NRA response to all mass shootings is that the only way to take down a bad guy with a gun is with a good guy with a gun.  So far in 2016 out of 133 mass shootings, the good guy has been M.I.A. 

I’m trying my best to wean myself off of Facebook.  Way too many boneheads posting really stupid things and then I come across something really good. I invite you to read this article I found yesterday. It was written in February and you may have already seen it, but I think it is worth taking another look.  

Stay tuned for future adventures.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

We're Number One

The United States is ranked at 14th in education in the world and we are 11th in health care or to put it another way, the worst of all developed nations, but we are number one in gun deaths. Yes sir, also number one in gun dealers.  We have the most guns and we are number one in mass shootings.

Mass shootings are when 4 or more people are shot or killed.  The key word here is shootings. So far in 2016 we have had 133 mass shootings. As far as I can find out we have had zero mass knifings, mass bombings, mass poisonings and mass bludgeoning.  Republicans and gun nuts say that guns are not the problem, but since all mass shootings involve guns, I say the Republicans and gun nuts are full of shit.

They also want everyone to think all of these shootings are being done by radical Islamic terrorist.  Sorry not true.  Of the 30 deadliest mass shootings in American history only three were Muslims and only one of those was a Muslim immigrant, the other two were American citizens. Almost all mass shootings in America’s history have been done by white men who were born and raised right here in the good ole U.S.A.  I wonder why no one ever talks about radical extremist Christians since the vast majority of mass shootings are committed by folks who claim to be Christian.  

I know compared to most of the rest of the world we are very young, but don’t you think it is time we grew up and quit playing with guns.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

Monday, June 13, 2016

An Open Letter

To all members of the NRA, quasi-pseudo militia wackos, chicken-shit open carry assholes and all paranoid delusional gun nuts everywhere.


Yours truly,

Rod Tanner


And to all of the haters.


Stay tuned for future adventures.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Thursday Throw Back

Here is a real throw back. It seems I have been nominated for the Texas Radio Hall of Fame…again.  I have been nominated every year for the past several years, but so far have not made the cut.  It probably has to do with steroids and my getting caught betting on radio, but I’m not sure.

My good friend Mike Wade, hall of famer and who I consider one of the best radio personalities to ever sit down in front of a microphone, I mean this guy worked in New York City….NEW YORK CITY…..Anyway Mike put this little clipof me when I worked at KONO, San Antonio on the Texas Radio Hall of Fame Facebook page.  I’m pretty sure most of the members of the TRHF hadn’t been born when I was on the radio. My first program director was a guy named Marconi.  

This next little story should come under Thursday Throw-up.   A young girl by the name of Sarah from San Antonio has been sent to somewhere here in East Texas to “Pray the gay out of her.”  Her fine Christian homophobic assholes parents decided they needed to save her after she took her girl friend to the prom.  Well I can certainly see why they sent her here to East Texas.  Praying here is the answer to all problems.
Health care…pray you don’t get sick.
Gun Safety… pray you don’t get shot.
Infidelity……pray you don’t get caught. And so on.

I am pretty sure a lot of the folks up here feel that when you die of cancer or get shot, it’s because you didn’t pray hard enough.  The local high school team is called the Panthers.  I’m surprised they didn’t name them The Praying Mantis.

This happened to a friend of mine a few weeks ago.  She had heard about a new doctor and made an appointment.  When she got to the appointment, she was met by a PA who told her the Doctor was out of town.  That’s pretty shitty in itself, but here is the best part. The PA asked her when she met with the doctor did she want the doctor to pray with her.  What?....Is this a clinic or a church.

 I have lived most of my life in Texas and have always been proud of it, but I have to say after moving to East Texas I have found the stars aren’t as bright and neither are many of the residents..

Stay tuned for future adventures.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

A Few Things That Ran Through My Brain And Came Out My Computer

Donald (Hair-Brained) Trump is the Milli Vanilli of politics.

Have you noticed how the Republicans have an answer for every problem?

 Trump is the Bernie Madoff of politics.

The all inclusive Republican BIGot Tent certainly includes a lot of different people.
  1. racist
  2. homophobes
  3. misogynist
  4. religious wackos
  5. people with very low I.Q.’s
  6. hypocrites

Trump is the General Custer of poitics.

The newly released sealed documents in the Trump University trial have proven that Trump University was a place of higher scamming.

Trump is the subprime mortgage of politics.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

Friday, June 3, 2016

I Have Returned

I took a few weeks off to recharge the batteries, clean the trash out of the brain cells and generally do absolutely nothing.  Well we did gas up the bus

and spend sometime doing nothing at the lake.

Now that I’m back I have noticed not much has changed.  Donald (Hair-Brained) Trump is still being a con man and his supporters are still extremely stupid.  Hillary is still being Hillary and Bernie is moving into the extremist zone.

The religious wackos are still praying the rain will stop and that they don’t get shot by some 2nd Amendment, God-Fearing goober with a gun. Speaking of that, I did wear a orange shirt yesterday.

I did see that some of folks in Sugarland, Texas are upset with a new statute in their town. It is a statue of two women taking a selfie.  I for the life of me can’t grasp what they are upset about. First of all it didn’t cost the City of Sugarland or any resident there one red cent, it was donated.  After all it is Sugarland and somebody could have made a statue of former Congressmoron Tom (Hot-Tub) DeLay picking somebody’s pocket.

Possibly by next week I will have all 16 of my brain cells back working and can dig up some redneck, religious wacko conservative Republican to make fun of. After all they have been so right about just about everything so far.

Stay tuned for future adventures.