Wednesday, June 15, 2016

We're Number One

The United States is ranked at 14th in education in the world and we are 11th in health care or to put it another way, the worst of all developed nations, but we are number one in gun deaths. Yes sir, also number one in gun dealers.  We have the most guns and we are number one in mass shootings.

Mass shootings are when 4 or more people are shot or killed.  The key word here is shootings. So far in 2016 we have had 133 mass shootings. As far as I can find out we have had zero mass knifings, mass bombings, mass poisonings and mass bludgeoning.  Republicans and gun nuts say that guns are not the problem, but since all mass shootings involve guns, I say the Republicans and gun nuts are full of shit.

They also want everyone to think all of these shootings are being done by radical Islamic terrorist.  Sorry not true.  Of the 30 deadliest mass shootings in American history only three were Muslims and only one of those was a Muslim immigrant, the other two were American citizens. Almost all mass shootings in America’s history have been done by white men who were born and raised right here in the good ole U.S.A.  I wonder why no one ever talks about radical extremist Christians since the vast majority of mass shootings are committed by folks who claim to be Christian.  

I know compared to most of the rest of the world we are very young, but don’t you think it is time we grew up and quit playing with guns.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

1 comment:

  1. Technically, guns don't kill. It's the person holding/firing the firearm who kills. If you put a loaded gun with one in the chamber, safety off, will it shoot someone? No. And many killings are made by cops, which are usually unjustified.
