Tuesday, June 7, 2016

A Few Things That Ran Through My Brain And Came Out My Computer

Donald (Hair-Brained) Trump is the Milli Vanilli of politics.

Have you noticed how the Republicans have an answer for every problem?

 Trump is the Bernie Madoff of politics.

The all inclusive Republican BIGot Tent certainly includes a lot of different people.
  1. racist
  2. homophobes
  3. misogynist
  4. religious wackos
  5. people with very low I.Q.’s
  6. hypocrites

Trump is the General Custer of poitics.

The newly released sealed documents in the Trump University trial have proven that Trump University was a place of higher scamming.

Trump is the subprime mortgage of politics.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

1 comment:

  1. At least he didn't fail at being an asshole.
