Friday, April 17, 2015

More Ramblings From A Deranged Mind

Today is National Blah, Blah, Blah Day.  Supposedly the intent of this day is to do all the projects that people have been on your case to get done. To those people I say BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. Personally I have always been a “Do it yourself” person.  I have told many folks in my life time, “Hey, if you want that done, then you do it.”

I understand that the NSA (Nosey Security Agency) is changing their name to Securing All National Telecommunications of Americans (SANTA).  They thought folks wouldn’t be so upset when they heard SANTA was making a list of those who had been naughty and who had been nice and checking it twice.  

The Tennessee House of Represenitives voted this week to make The Bible the state book.  I understand they also voted to make “Jesus Loves you” the state song.  

Former faux President George Warmnger Bush actually said this while giving a speech in Chicago this week.  “Jeb Bush’s candidacy has a problem, me.”  When Dick (I Really Am A Dick) Cheney was asked about “W’s” remark, he said, “I take full responsibility for that.  I wasn’t there to tell him what to say.”

Louisiana legislature is sending a message to the state of Indiana. The message is “Hey we’re even dumber than you.”  They are considering a new “Let’s make Christianity the only religion” law similar to Indiana. Governor Bobby (Jihad) Jindal said he had heard all of the controversy over the Indiana law being a vague discrimination law and that their law would not receive that criticism.  He went on to say there is absolutely nothing vague about their law.

Today is also the day after my birthday and I want to thank all of the fine folks who took the time to wish me a happy birthday. 

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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