Friday, February 13, 2015

Flakey Friday the 13th

Ok guys, if you don’t want to end up like those seven dudes in a garage in Chicago in 1929, you had better get that wife, lover or sweetie a Valentine card or chocolate for tomorrow. I understand in Alabama when you buy candy or a valentine on this day you have to sign a statement saying it’s for the opposite sex or face jail time.

Of all the comments made in the media this week about Brian Williams lying about his experience in Iraq, I thought the one from Fox News was the best when they said, “What, you can’t lie on television?’ That is also the same thing they said to their being sued by the city of Paris for reporting that there were sections of Paris that had been taken over by Muslims. I’m pretty sure “Better call Saul” is the head of their legal department.

And these words came falling out of Rick (All Hair, No Brains) Perry’s mouth yesterday. "Texas has been criticized for having a large number of uninsured," he said, "but that's what Texans wanted”.  I wonder why he didn’t go on to say that Texans wanted to be in the bottom five states in education, and that we wanted to be dead last in voter turn out.

Sarah (Half Assed Governor, Full Time Moron) Palin was in Texas yesterday ranting a few words at a program entitled “How Women are Showing 21st Century Leadership”.  If the program had been called “People Who Quit Things in the Middle of It”, then I could understand why they had this bonehead speak. 

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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