Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Calamity Cain

 Is this guy running for President or Pimp of the Year?

When Herman (All fluff and no substance) Cain was asked this week about the situation with Libya he had a Rick Perry oops.  First he hem hawed and stumbled for an answer, then said that he had never met her and certainly never had any sexual relations with her.

Herman has spent most of his life being a motivational speaker and he can’t seem to talk beyond worn out clichés and sound bites.  Here are few examples.

  • When the going gets tough, grope a little harder.
  • Never take no for an answer.  Women really mean yes when they say no.
  • If at first you don’t succeed, see if you can get a second date.

His foreign policy…He never dates Hispanic or Asian women.

His economic policy…To spend as little as possible on his Presidential campaign and sell as many books as he can.

Who would of thought that the Republicans are into recycling.  The new flavor of the week in their party is once again Newton Leroy (The number one debt problem is my Tiffany’s account) Gingrich.  It is probably because he has such strong family values.  After all he has three of them.

Funny how Mitt the Mormon has only one wife and The Newt has three and at his age there is always the possibility of number four popping up at any time.  It all depends on whether Cruella stays healthy.  Newt tends to divorce them when they come down with cancer or something.

And as a last ditch effort to salvage his Titanic of a political campaign, Rick (Where did everybody go?) Perry in a speech yesterday tried to paint himself as a political outsider.  I’m still laughing.  Here is a guy who has never had a job outside of government.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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