Monday, September 28, 2020

Some Of This and Some Of That


So now we know what many of us suspected for years.  Donald Jackass Trump is nothing more than a con man, grifter and tax cheat.  His tax returns prove that he is without a doubt one of the worse and dumbest businessmen in America. Dimwit Donnie has burned through millions of dollars in bank loans and daddy’s money and is now up to his bad comb-over in debt. He once wrote off $70,000 for hair styling.

If you are wondering about the comparison between President Grifter and Biden, here it is: Joe and Jill Biden paid $3.7 million dollars in taxes in 2017 while Trump paid $750 dollars. This disparity will make no difference to his loyal Trump cult members who still believe he is the fictional character that he played on The Apprentice.  


Let’s take a look at who Trumpypoo and Moscow Mitch want to put on the Supreme Court.  Amy (Handmaiden) Coney Barrett has only been a judge for three years and they want to give her a lifetime job.  That’s like making the receptionist the C.E.O of a major company because she has great phone etiquette. Amy doesn’t believe in the separation of church and government and has a long history of believing that religious beliefs should prevail. Abortion, health care and LGBTQ rights will be in big trouble.

She and her husband belong to a religious group called People of Praise. It grew out of a Catholic renewal movement back in the 60’s that adopted Pentecostal practices such as speaking in tongues and the belief in prophecy and divine healing.  They also teach that the husband has the authority to be the absolute head of the household. The men in the group are called “Heads” and the women are “Handmaidens”.  

Her history proves she will be a judgmental justice on the court. In other words, she is the exact opposite of Notorious RBG and I predict that she will be known Insidious ACB. I am not surprised that she can speak in tongues, I must admit I was able to do that several times back in my heavy drinking days.

Finally, I want to recommend several podcast I have discovered if you are into podcasts.  One of them is:

The Promotion Man podcast is about old record promotion people like myself.  All of them are good.  You will hear my interview on Episode 31.   Take a listen.


Stay tuned for future adventures.

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