Monday, October 5, 2020

More Bubbles From My Soapbox


Evidently the NFL’s motto is “We will play until somebody dies.” Seems to me like that is carrying the Sudden Death thing a little too far.  When a spokesman for the league was asked about the dangers of Covid19, he said, “Hell, we have guys playing that have brain damage, what’s a little flu between friends?”  Instead of playing the national anthem before the games I understand they are going to start playing “Macho Man.”

President Dumbass proved how little he thinks of the Secret Service members who protect him from harm by making them take him on a joy ride around the hospital so he could wave to his cult members. He could have at least called The Proud Boys to give him a lift, providing any of them are old enough to have a driver’s license.

Mark (Sycophant) Meadows,  Trumpypoo’s Chief of Dumb Stuff, is actually blaming the Secret Service for giving the virus to President Dumbass.  Let me remind you one more time where the Republicans find assholes like Mark.


When asked yesterday if the number of Republican Senators now testing positive for Covid19 would stop the confirmation of Amy (Handmaiden) Barrett,  Arkansas Senator Tom (My brain is made of) Cotton said they would just wheel the infected Senators in to the chamber to vote. It is pretty obvious that Traitor Tom’s I.Q. test came back negative. With Senators like this bonehead it is quite easy to see why Arkansas is ranked #49th in health care and #42 in Education.


Trumpypoo’s De-Pressing Secretary Kayleigh (Unveracious) McEnamy has tested positive for Covid19.  She said she was just following orders to keep positive while her cult-leader was away. 

Chris (Pillsbury Dough Boy) Christy has also tested positive. Chris said he didn't want the President to think he was a negative influence. 


President Dumbass has tweeted that he is leaving the hospital this afternoon.  I’m pretty sure they have him so jacked-up on steroids that he thinks he is Superman. In his tweet he said, “Don’t be afraid of Covid19."  Well yeah, if you can go to Walter Reed Hospital via helicopter,  get experimental drugs, a team of doctors at your beck and call and all at no cost, I guess so.  

However, his doctors have yet to mention the pre-existing condition he came in with:  Being an asshole.

His Covidness made it sound like he had just spent a few days at a health spa.   I wonder what the families of the 208,000 that have died think about that stupid statement.

I have not heard a word from First Lady Melanoma.  I understand she is hunkered down in the White House studying her prenup.


Another pod cast I want to recommend is www.mikeonmic.  It is hosted by Mike Wade, a good friend and one of the most talented people I ever had the privilege to work with. He talks about a variety of subjects that are always entertaining and intriguing. And his episodes are short and worth a listen.





Stay tuned for future adventures.

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