Friday, September 25, 2020

Politicians, Preachers and Pimps


The usual disclaimer. There are no stories about pimps. I just like the title, but of the three occupations, I do believe pimps are the only ones who actually provide a service. 

Here’s a real blast from the past.  (Well not really a blast, more like a low-level fart.)  Former Congressmoron Michele (I’m happy but my husband’s really gay) Bachmann crawled out from under her rock and said this week that if Biden wins the country will turn into a communist nation. She then said there would be six more weeks of bald-faced lies and crawled back under her rock.


Another faux-Christian hard at work: Texas pastor Robert (I'm a real asshole who believes in a vengeful God) Henderson of Waco, Texas said that he prayed for God to kill RBG. He said he prayed for God to get Trump elected and it worked then so why not give it another shot. I really do not think that prayer works that way or President Dumbass would be doing social distancing six feet under right now.   Also, I would have won the lottery years ago.



Texas conservative Republican moron, Steve ( I’m so narrow minded I can see through a key hole) Hotze, has filed a suit to block the extension of early voting in Texas.  The extension was signed by Texas Republican Governor Gregg (Hell On Wheels) Abbott.  So you have boneheads suing boneheads. Isn’t that what you call DOUBLE BONEHEADED?


Dr. Fauci bitch-slapped Rancid Rand Paul during a hearing this week. Rancid Ron who plays a doctor in the Senate was outclassed, outsmarted and out diagnosed by a real doctor.



Wisconsin Senator Ron (I take rubles) Johnson’s big report was supposed to be a big bombshell on Hunter Biden.   It turns out the report only blew up in Russian Ron’s face.


Ted (Creepy) Cruz blocked a resolution to honor RBG. He didn’t want RBG’s last request of wanting to be replaced after the election in the statement. Well yeah, you can’t have that in the official record while they are trying to jam through a new Justice. Tactless Ted proved once again what a slimy, sleazy piece of shit that he is.



The grand jury verdict released this week only indicted one police officer. Louisville Police officer. Brett (Barney Fife) Hankison was indicted for wanton endangerment.  I do believe Brett was wanton to kill someone but missed. Unfortunately, his fellow officers didn’t and of course got to go scot free. My feelings are that there is nothing grand about this grand jury. Kentucky Attorney General Daniel (Above the Law) Cameron directed this whole fiasco.  Little Camy is Moscow Mitch’s protégé and I’m sure just following orders.



Missouri Governor Mike (Show me and I still will not believe it.) Parson, who believes that a mask should not be a part of anyone’s wardrobe, tested positive for Covid-19 this week. I understand his I.Q. test came back negative.


Stay tuned for future adventures.

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