Thursday, February 11, 2010

A New Blogger on the Block

As you can probably tell from the name of my blog that I'm not a morning person. Actually I am a person in the morning as well as the rest of the day, I'm just not awake. It is currently almost midnight and here I sit writing words. I am a writer and in the midst of writing my second novel.
I struggle enough everyday trying to get Double Fault completed, so I'm not sure why I decided to take on a blog too, but I think it will be fun.
It seems most of the blogs I've read (and that's not very many) rant and rave about stuff they don't like or who or whats pissed them off that day or week, so I want to write about things that I like or make me feel good.
So if you looking for someone raging at the cruel world you've come to the wrong place but if you want to read something that might make you laugh or feel good, come on in. Just be sure its afternoon.

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