Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Harrumph Day

I came across this quote the other day. “A lie is like a dead rat. The longer you leave it, the more it smells” and boy is Bill (America’s Bully) O’Reily smelling up the place.  It is quite entertaining watching Bully Billy yell, shout and scream that everybody is a liar but him.  Bullshit Billy has been telling everyone for years that he was a reporter in the war zone during the Falklands war. The problem is that there were no reporters anywhere near the war zone during this war.

So far eight CBS reporters who were there with Young and Dumb Billy have said the only shots that occurred anywhere near them was fired from a tequila bottle while they were running up their expense accounts at a posh hotel in Buenos Aires, a safe 1200 miles from the war. All eight have said the only fighting Bully Billy was involved in was between him and his bosses.  There was a riot during their stay in Buenos Aires, but nobody was shot and nobody was killed.  

I really think what has gotten Blowhard Billy in the most trouble is his other stories about his war experiences.  There is the one where he says he led the invasion of Normandy and personally saved Private Ryan.  Not to mention that he was the co-pilot of the plane that dropped the bomb on Hiroshima or that he snuck into Hitler’s bunker and talked him into  committing suicide.  

Come to think of it, the one about Hitler has a ring of truth to it. I would think anybody that was stuck in a bunker for twenty minutes with Bonehead Billy would be prone to killing themselves.

Idaho TeaNut Republican Congressmoron Vito (I’m In The Witness Protection Program) Barbieri asked if a woman can swallow a small camera for doctors to conduct a remote gynecological exam.  Evidently Ole Vito thinks a woman can get pregnant performing oral sex.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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