Wednesday, October 12, 2016

One Hump After Another

Today’s biggest hump.

Texas Congressmoron  and Trump supporter imbecile Blake (The Flake) Farenthold is in the national news, but not for good reasons. When Bonehead Blake was asked on CNN last night if he would continue supporting Donald (Little DICK-tator) Trump even if he said he has actually raped someone, he stumbled and mumbled, “maybe.”  Oops. Wrong answer Blakey Poo. Blake was sued by a staff member a couple of years for sexual harassment. I am assuming Blake's pajamas  are official Duck Dynasty pjs.

Honorable mention humps.  

I personally think that Donald (Little DICK-tator) Trump’s chances of becoming President are the same as a snowball in hell, but I think he has a very good chance of becoming Bill (Have A Drink Dear, It Will Relax You) Cosby’s cell mate.

Oh goody, Texas Congressmoron Louie (I Really Am As Dumb As I Look) Gohmert has crawled out from under his rock to defend Trump’s vile video. Looney Louie says it is all Bill Clinton’s fault because back when Trumpy Poo said those things, he was friends with Bill. This dimwit also went on to say that if Hillary is elected she will come after the churches.  I don’t have a clue to what that means, but I do believe this proves without a doubt that Louie is as dumb as the rock he lives under.

Pat (I Have God On Speed Dial) Robertson host of the 700 Club, that’s how many viewers they have, defended Trump’s misogynistic rant as being “macho”. I’m pretty sure that is in the Bible on page 234, Ignoramus 4:25 “The laying of hands on women shall be man’s manly province. Blessed are the gropers.”  

The Republican Wing-Nuts favorite myth is back making the rounds.  Voter Fraud.  After spending two minutes on Google, I found that voter fraud in the U.S. is next to zero.  The only voter fraud going on in this election will be that there is going to be a number of people who really are too stupid to vote.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

1 comment:

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