Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Political Déjà vu

When I hear someone say, “Well, you know, we learn from history,” I always think, no we don’t.  I don’t think we learn much at all. We wouldn’t still be having wars, fighting over minor social differences and continuing to destroy the planet instead saving it if we did.  I think we keep repeating history.  We keep doing the same ole crap over and over thinking that it will have a different outcome.  There is a word for this. Insanity.

I find this to be especially true in politics.  You would have thought the Republicans would have learned something from the Democrat’s fiasco in 2004.  Here was George W. Bush nearing the end of his first term which was nothing short of disastrous.  He and his cronies had started a needless war that they were losing, spending money like they were Democrats and his approval ratings were in the dumper. I mean here was a guy so over his head and out of his league that it wasn’t funny.
So the brilliant thinkers on the Democrats team thought that  “Anyone but Bush” would put them back in the White House and they came up with flip-flopping, wishy-washy John Kerry.  Does this sound familiar to what’s happening now?

The problem is there weren’t enough “Bush Haters” to kick him out of office and there aren’t enough “Obama Haters” to kick him out of office.  To defeat a sitting President, you have to come up with somebody that really wants to be President.  Somebody the people really want to be President.  You know, somebody that has a plan, a vision, not just stupid campaign slogans and dumb talking points that some hack writer in the back room has pooped out.  Certainly not somebody like Rick Perry who has said he is exhausted from the debates.  If he doesn’t have the energy to get through the debates, the President’s gig would kill him. 

The Republicans biggest knock on Obama was and is that he just doesn’t have the experience, and now their flavor of the month, Herman Cain has absolutely no experience…NONE…NIL..ZERO….  This guy has never been elected for anything so his fifteen minutes will be up in about a week.

More than likely Mitt Romney will get the nomination in the end and since he is simply the Republican version of John Kerry, history will repeat itself once again.

Today's good read is The Burning Soul by John Connolly.  Another great adventure featuring  private detective Charlie Parker.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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