Friday, October 14, 2011

A Modern Day Fairy Tale

The Republican debates.

We have Snow White, ie Michele Bachmann, pure as the driven snow…actually she is just white and homophobic.

Bashful…Newt Gingrich.. He very seldom has much to say and keeps to himself.

Dopey…Rick Santorum doesn’t seem to understand what is going on.

Happy…John Huntsman is just glad to be included.

Grumpy…Rick Perry thinks everyone is picking on him and doesn’t understand why they won’t let him pack heat during the debates.

Sleepy…Mitt Romney can pretty much sleepwalk though the debates and win.

Sneezy... Herman Cain seems to have a medical condition and can only say “999.”

Doc…Ron Paul, a doctor by profession but doesn’t seem to understand the part about helping his fellow man as he is against any kind of federal help to anyone, no matter what the circumstances.

I love how the Republicans always like to call their opponents flip-floppers.  Evidently changing your mind about something is worse thing you can ever do. Yet when we look back though the polls for the past few months we see that the Republicans seem to flip-flop about every two to three weeks on who they love.   First they just loved Trump, then Bachmann, then Romney, then Perry, and now Cain.  By the time we get to the actual election a year from now they will be down to Joe the Plumber.

Herman (I’m the black version of Ross Perot) Cain’s 999 plan has so many holes in it, his next plan will be 911 because he will need all the help he can get.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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