Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Incredible Shrinking Candidate

Here is a headline for you:

Perry Brings Aboard GOP Heavy Hitters

Then you read who these heavy hitters are that Texas Governor Rick (Where did everybody go?) Perry has brought in.  Well, they are GOP consultants who worked for Bob Dole, Steve Forbes and Fred Thompson.  Oh yeah, those are some real winners.

So today Perry trots out the ole flat tax plan…again.  The reason I say again is that this plan was thought up in 1981 and every five or ten years some politician who is getting his butt kicked drags it out to spin to folks who are looking for anything to grab hold of.  The flat tax plan has never made it past the talking stages and there is no reason to think it will last more than a few weeks this go around.

The main reason it will never be a law is the same reason none of the other tax plans will make it though Congress.  Do you think the large corporations in this country like GE, Exxon, Bank of America, Boeing, Goldman Sachs and Chevron, who actually run this country and pay no taxes now…not one cent…would let the politicians they have bought for good money, change the tax laws?    I don’t think so.  They believe in the Republican version of the American Dream; make a ton of money and pay no taxes. 

Speaking of large companies, a new report out shows that of the hundreds of thousands of companies in the world, 147 of them control everything financial.  Here is the top ten on that list. 
1. Barclays plc
2. Capital Group Companies Inc
3. FMR Corporation
4. AXA
5. State Street Corporation
6. JP Morgan Chase & Co
7. Legal & General Group plc
8. Vanguard Group Inc
10. Merrill Lynch & Co Inc

Excuse me, could you move your arm.  Now turn a little sideways, thanks, oops, the other way.  Ok thanks.  Now if you can hold your breath and let me breathe, I’ll do the same for you….World population is coming up on 7 billion, I’m just practicing. 

A lot of folks have compared the Occupy Wall Street crowd with the Tea Party bunch but there is one really big difference.  At least the Occupy folks can spell which is way more than I can say for the Tea Baggers.

Lindsay Lohan is in trouble again.  She is supposed to be doing her community service at the Los Angles morgue but they wouldn’t let her in the first day because they said she was late.  I don’t get that. Just about everybody in there is late.  The late Mrs. Brown, the late Mr Smith….

Stay tuned for future adventures

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