Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Reading & Writing

If you have read my blog, then you know that I am a writer, and for the millions who haven't read my blog, I am a writer but I am also a reader. A voracious reader. I went back and looked at my reading habits for the last six months and I have read 58 novels. That averages out to a little more than two a week.

I have decided to start sharing my finds of good reading, some great, with you. I am not going to give you a review but simply let you know when I come across what I consider a good read. I don't read reviews myself, mostly because 99% of them give away too much of the book. I don't even read the inside flap of the book. I don't want to know anything about the story, I want to discover it all for myself. Here are some of the ways I decide on a book; knowing the author,looking at the cover, reading the back, and reading the first chapter of the book.

I will tell you I lean toward thrillers, but I read all kinds of books about all kinds of things. I read mostly fiction but do read some non-fiction. I am interested in a great story that is well told and I will only tell you about books that I enjoy, I have no interest in slamming something I didn't like.

Next post will have a few of the good books I have read lately. Stay tuned for future adventures.

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