Friday, July 1, 2016

Another Flakey Friday

A federal judge “saw the light” and blocked Mississippi’s Religious Discrimination law (I know it was called a religious freedom law, but this is the true name) before it went into effect.  Just a gentle reminder, "The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion."
--John Adams

I am still waiting for the media to report on which “well regulated militia” that Orlando mass shooter Omar (I Am Gay, But I’m Not Happy) Mateen was a member.

Donald (Hair-Brained) Trump’s new slogan seems to be directed toward homophobes..   It’s “Make America Straight Again.”

Another Republican hypocrite bites the dust.  Florida Congressmoron Trey (Lying Druggie) Radel who was a big supporter of a bill testing food stamp recipients for drugs was busted this week for cocaine. 

On a similar note, Michigan’s state legislature set aside $300,000 to test food stamp recipients for drugs and have tested 303 people. To date none have tested positive. Maybe they should go down and test Florida’s legislature members. They might get better results.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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