Friday, November 7, 2014

Post Game Analysis

After pondering Tuesday’s terrible outing at the polls for the Democrats, I have decided that it is going to be an up hill battle for the Dem-wits to regain some traction. I believe the TeaNut Republicans are way more focused.  They don’t have all the baggage that the Democrats carry around.

The conservative TeaNut Republicans don’t have any compassion, empathy, logic or a conscious to worry about.  When campaigning they don’t have to do any research because facts aren’t important and since they don’t have a conscious to worry about and being naturally mean-spirited, attack ads come easy.

The TeaNuts don’t have to talk about any real issues. All they have to do is come up with a few easy to remember talking points and then repeat them no matter what the question might have been or the point being made.  They also have to be repeated over and over because the TeaNut supporters have the attention span of a gnat. And because the TeaNuts are so narrow minded, they only have to come up with three talking points.  Of course these talking points don’t have to make any sense, just be short, snappy and sound good.

The real advantage the TeaNuts have is selective amnesia.  They never have to worry about things they have done wrong, stupid things they said or the stuff that blew up in their face. It just never happened.

If the Democrats could learn to quit explaining logical things and forget about facts, they probably would have a chance to get back into the game.  

It would be great if they could also come up with a couple of good candidates.  We had some here in Texas that were very good but around the country it was pretty dismal.  When you can’t beat the woman TeaNut in Iowa who was described as “dumber than Sarah (Half-Assed Governor, Full Time Moron) Palin”, you have real problems.  Also I think if they could have come up with a better campaign slogan than “Vote Democrat. We Hate Obama Too” it would have helped a lot.  

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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