Monday, November 24, 2014

Offical Book of Lies

The religious wackos have weaseled their tentacles in the door of education here in Texas.  The Texas State Board of Education has voted to approve biased and inaccurate textbooks.  The new textbooks will indicate that Moses was one of the founding fathers of our nation.  You remember Moses, the world’s worst tour guide.  He was the guy who wandered around an area you can walk across in about six weeks for forty years
So Charlton, I believe that was Moses first name, instead of parting the Red Sea, parted the Red Coats and helped win the war against the British.  He also gave us the Constitution and Declaration of Independence instead of the Ten Commandments. I’m not sure why Moses didn’t sign the Declaration of Independence, but I believe it was because he was he was ranting against same-sex marriage on the floor of Congress that day. 

Speaking of books, I wrote about this book a while back and with this new infringement from the religious far-right wackos I feel I must recommend it again. It is called Christian Nation: A Novel by Frederic C. Rich.  It is a work of fiction and details what would happen if America really did become a Christian Nation.  It will scare the Holy Ghost out of you.

Here is a quote I recently came across that I thought was appropriate for today’s piece. "Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion." ---Steven Weinberg, Professor at the University of Texas and Nobel laureate

My personal opinion is that without a doubt, religion is man’s most destructive creation.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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